General Contractor: AHS
Scope of Work: New roof consisting of 46,400 sq ft of Durolast over lightweight insulating concrete over a structural
concrete deck, wetsuit balcony waterproofing, Cetco sub grade waterproofing, Sika expansion joints
Completed: 07/19
Contract Value: $376,685.98
General Contractor: Royal American Construction
Scope of Work: New roof consisting of 11,610 sq feet of Durolast single ply membrane over lightweight Insulating
concrete on a structural concrete deck and 7,375 sq ft of Englert standing seam metal roof on the mansards
Completed: 06/19
Contract Value: $200,722.70
General Contractor: Straticon
Scope of Work: New roof consisting of 78,300 sq ft of Durolast single ply over tapered insulation on a concrete deck,
8,450 sq ft of Englert standing seam metal roof and Wetsuit subgrade and rough opening waterproofing
Completed: 5/20
Contract Value: $1,192,252.69
General Contractor: Royal American Construction
Scope of Work: New roof consisting of 11,495 sq ft of Durolast single-ply membrane over lightweight insulating concrete
over a structural concrete deck and 2,560 sq ft of Sika 320 waterproofing system on a terrace deck.
Completed: 02/20
Contract Value: $162,833.80